Logo de l'entreprise de construction ADHOC-HD à Alost


24/24 – 6/7



AD-HOC HD is the cleaning company for the Belgian regions that you will not let pass. With more than 16 years of experience, the boss supervises the professional and qualified teams on each of your sites. Our recent company is active in various fields serving individuals and professionals. Discover all of our services: you will certainly appreciate our attention to details.

Removal and evacuation

It is essential to maintain its premises periodically. Do you have bulky waste? In order to restore the premises, contact us. Indeed, we have the appropriate materials for this.

Industrial cleaning

Commercial premises need regular maintenance. For this, the intervention of our specialized team is indispensable. Thanks to the multiple equipment at our disposal such as scrubbers, single-brushes and high-pressure cleaners, we will be able to carry out industrial cleaning in complex areas.
In addition, our team of interveners easily adapts to their working environments. Whether in hospitals or waste sorting centers, the quality of industrial cleaning is always a priority.


Here, it could be an apartment evacuation following a move or a professional transfer. Indeed, you can contact us in order to evacuate and remove unnecessary furniture or objects in your apartment. This will help you focus more on the other preparations.
For more convenience, you can contact us for free or request a free quote via our website. This will allow you to check if your budget is sufficient for the evacuation of the apartment.


Most of us are used to storing furniture as well as objects (documents, old decorative pieces) in our cellar. In order to properly create the room, a cellar evacuation is necessary. Indeed, once the cellar has been cleared of clutter, you will have additional space at your disposal. You can transform it into an office, bedroom or laundry room.
Moreover, cellar evacuation is recommended if the place has been the victim of disaster such as floods or fires. By contacting us, you will benefit from optimal cleaning and evacuation. Aussi, nos équipes peuvent désencombrer votre cave dans le cadre d’un déménagement.

Garbage disposal

Au fil du temps, certaines personnes ont l’habitude de stocker les déchets dans son garage ou dans un box. Bacteria and insects piled up in the waste seriously damage your health. That is why we present to you a garbage disposal service.
Thanks to our know-how, we can offer you an optimal garbage disposal service. Our team will also know how to evacuate waste following a disaster.


Most of us are used to storing furniture as well as objects (documents, old decorative pieces) in our cellar. In order to properly create the room, a cellar evacuation is necessary. Indeed, once the cellar has been cleared of clutter, you will have additional space at your disposal. You can transform it into an office, bedroom or laundry room.
Moreover, cellar evacuation is recommended if the place has been the victim of disaster such as floods or fires. By contacting us, you will benefit from optimal cleaning and evacuation. Aussi, nos équipes peuvent désencombrer votre cave dans le cadre d’un déménagement.

Garbage disposal

Au fil du temps, certaines personnes ont l’habitude de stocker les déchets dans son garage ou dans un box. Bacteria and insects piled up in the waste seriously damage your health. That is why we present to you a garbage disposal service.
Thanks to our know-how, we can offer you an optimal garbage disposal service. Our team will also know how to evacuate waste following a disaster.

Various dimensions

This includes old furniture or other faulty accessories that you can’t get rid of. Please note that we offer an evacuation service for various congestion. To do this, we provide you with specialists who will take care of what is necessary to carry out the evacuation of various congestion to the appropriate recycling centers.


After the departure of a loved one in a nursing home, the evacuationafter the succession of the home must be done instantly. We provide you with professionals who can undertake the sorting, post-succession evacuation and succession of the property.

Preparations before site

Before embarking on the work, the preparations before site are essential. To make things easier for you, we offer a tailor-made service tailored to your needs. We also have various state-of-the-art equipment for the preparations before site in the future.

Contact your cleaning company

For a perfect cleaning and as soon as possible, please contact our company. Reachable every day, we are happy to answer your questions and requests. Your free estimated costs will be given to you upon request.
